What’s the dumbest thing you’ve taken abroad?

I’m writing a blog post every day in November as part of a writing challenge. Read why here.



Today is the first of 3 let’s-blog-together Wednesdays as part of my 3-on-3 November Mini-Challenge. This weeks question?


Q. 1 What’s the dumbest (or weirdest) thing you’ve taken abroad?


My answer? I sure have taken a lot of dumb things abroad. Like…

The 22 pairs of shoes I lugged to Germany.

photo credit: alicethewhale via photopin cc

I know how many I brought because my Mom counted them before I left. Hey, I was a teenager and moving abroad for a year.

The can of pineapple I carried all over Europe in my backpack. That I never ate.

photo credit: Umpqua via photopin cc
photo credit: Umpqua via photopin cc

I was a poor college student and thought it might be useful if I ran out of money.

The huge camera + case when I really only wanted to take simple snapshots.

photo credit: kevin dooley via photopin cc
photo credit: kevin dooley via photopin cc

In college I was a wannabe photographer with a photographer boyfriend.

The teal-colored mini blow-up palm tree.

photo credit: plakboek via photopin cc
photo credit: plakboek via photopin cc

Again, I was 16 and wanted something to decorate my new bedroom. At least I could deflate it so it didn’t take up that much room in my  suitcase.

My entire key chain collection.

Key Rack
photo credit: Jeff Hester via photopin cc

Not really sure why I thought this was a good idea. Room decoration? Reminders of home? Conversation starters? No idea.


What about you? What’s the dumbest (or weirdest) thing you’ve taken abroad? Share your story on your blog, in the comments below or on Facebook!

I know that others are blogging about this topic today so I’ll link to their blog posts below as I find them.

+ My constant travel companion. (www.wheressharon.com)

+ What — no tiara? (www.teachingtheworldonashoestring.blogspot.com)

+ The weirdest stuff in my suitcase. (www.bookofness.com)

+ Pack smart: the dumbest thing I’ve taken abroad (www.tamarathorpe.com)

+ The weirdest or dumbest thing I’ve taken abroad (www.culturaleclecticism.wordpress.com)

+ The dumbest thing I’ve taken abroad (www.angiekozblogs.wordpress.com)