My Re-entry Story: Anita Horton, Hopelessly In Love with Seeing the World


Last week I introduced you to Mattie Clark, one of our Day 1 RELAUNCH! Virtual Re-entry Retreat speakers. Today, I’d like to introduce you to Anita Horton, who also participated in my first Re-entry Relaunch Mastermind and is also speaking on the first day of the RELAUNCH! event about re-entry and relaunching.

Anita Horton was raised by a seamstress and a farmer. Everything that came after that is fairly routine: School. Degree. Family. Career. And then she won a trip to Paris and London and her whole life changed. Anita fell hopelessly in love with seeing the world. You’ll find her at

Hi Anita! Where were you abroad and what did you do there?

I am an international art teacher and I taught in an IB World School in Istanbul, Turkey from 2013-15.

What was your re-entry experience like?

After 1-1/2 years, I am STILL in my re-entry experience. It has been extremely difficult and I’ve been depressed through many months. Although I was initially glad to have a Target and Trader Joes, I was shocked at the expense of living in the USA (Homes, cars, health insurance!!) Also, I found that my interests had changed, which caused friendships to suffer.

What do you know *now* about re-entry that you wish you’d known earlier?

I now know that coming home can never really happen, even if you move back to the same place you came from. It’s changed. You’ve changed. It’s like starting over. I now know that it will take an extended amount of time to feel like you “fit in” again.


What’s your #1 tip for those in re-entry right now?

Find a support group. It’s a tough thing to go through!

Why should global adventurers in re-entry participate in the RELAUNCH! retreat?

I was in Cohort 1 of the Mastermind Relaunch and this group supported me with encouraging words and resources galore! You will find others to connect with and find a way to untangle your thoughts. Do it! I was sinking in depression when I found this group and it has made all the difference. 

Click below to reserve your seat at RELAUNCH! the Virtual Re-entry Retreat! 
