Let’s work together to help returnees through this challenging time! Below you’ll find a screencast, returnee handout, and a list of ideas for keeping returnees connected to their host country(ies) and each other.

UPDATE: I’m developing an online workshop on how to support returnees during this crisis. Register here!


Returnee Handout:

Click here to download the handout (PDF). It’s fillable, so returnees can type right in the PDF or they can print it out. Feel free to download the handout and share it with your returnees.

Ideas for using the 4-page handout:

  • Email the whole thing to students and have them reflect individually.
  • Email one page at a time with additional words of wisdom over the next few weeks.
  • Use it as a springboard for 1:1 or group conversations.
  • Share with faculty/program leaders and encourage them to use it as a springboard for conversations or debriefing with returnees.
  • Use prompts in social media or emails.

>>> Click here to share questions, ideas, activities, and resources with others supporting returnees through this sudden re-entry.

Additional Resources:

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