Ep #19 | How Jenny Sowry Helps Her Students Process Re-Entry (Pick-Me-Up Podcast)

In this episode, I talk with Jenny Sowry about how she helps her students through the re-entry process after their career-launching internships in Uganda. If you work – or are thinking about working – in international education, you’ll want to hear our conversation about re-entry!

Jenny Sowry is the International Operations Manager, with isla– (pronounced ee-s-la) International Service Learning Alliance, which is the internship and service learning arm of the Foundation for Community Development and Empowerment (FCDE). She supports the host country Ugandan team and leads sales and marketing initiatives with university internship programs. Jenny’s passion to communicate with and understand people from other cultures led her to pursue a Master’s degree in intercultural relations from the University of Pacific. She has over 12 years of international experience.


Prior to her cultural exchange work, Jenny worked for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the U.S. State Department as an election and democratization program officer in Bosnia, after the cessation of hostilities of war. She lived in Washington D.C. and worked at the U.S. Peace Corps after her graduation from New York University. Jenny’s bags are always packed and ready for a fun and memorable adventure with her husband and two daughters.


Resources mentioned in this episode: