Blog Challenge Mashup

leibster-award-tag-postMASHUPMy blogger friend, Angie, recently asked me if I wanted to participate in a blog challenge. I’d never heard this particular challenge – the Liebster Award – so I did some digging to learn more about it.

After emailing back and forth, sharing what we’d learned about the challenge, Angie and I decided we’d both give it a try.

The purpose of the challenge is for bloggers to get to know other bloggers by posing questions and then tagging people they’d like to answer those questions.

There seem to be myriad rules and guidelines associated with the challenge, so Angie created her own mash-up of the Liebster Award and the 11 Things Challenge.
I decided to create my own mashup (scroll down). But first, here are my answer’s to Angie’s questions.

My answers to Angie’s 11 questions

1) What is your favorite time of day?

10pm-12am and 6am-8am. I typically only experience one or the other on any given day.

2) When are you most productive in your writing?

Generating ideas: late at night. Writing something coherent: early morning. (See question 1)

3) What are your goals for your blog?
To be the go-to resource for travelers, expats, and students who want to relaunch themselves after being abroad.

4) Do you use Twitter to increase your blog’s reach?
I do, but not as consistently as I could. Working on it!

5) What is the coolest city you’ve been to for work or pleasure?
I’ve always loved Berlin.

6) If you could work in a different country, which one would you choose?
This question is way too difficult – there are so many places! I’d love to spend time on every continent.

7) How many types of exercise do you do?
Not as many as I should.

8) Do you practice yoga?
Yes, but I haven’t taken a class in a long time. I use a yoga app on my phone. I’m working on getting into the habit of doing yoga every day.

9) Do you like cats or dogs or no pets?
I like both but right now I’m content with our very snuggly cat named Otto. Aaron and I would love a dog but cats are so much easier when you travel a lot.

10) What is your favorite holiday?

11) Has the reason you started your blog changed?
Nope. I started SPS to be a helpful resource and community and that’s still my goal.


Here’s my version of the challenge.

Want to participate? Great! Here’s what you do:

  1. Answer the 5 questions below on your blog or on Twitter.
  2. If you answer the questions on your blog, link to this post. If you answer on Twitter, use the hashtag #mygloballife.
  3. Invite other bloggers to take up the challenge and share your mash-up with them.

My Questions for You:

  1. Do you travel with a backpack or suitcase? Why?
  2. Do you prefer to travel overland or by air?
  3. What’s your favorite way to occupy yourself on long-haul flights?
  4. What’s one word that sums up your most recent re-entry experience?
  5. What’s your favorite travel app or website?