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Helpful Articles:
- When you’re forced to break up with living abroad.
- Re-entry when home isn’t a place (guest article).
- Re-entry after 30 years abroad (guest article).
- Gretchen Rubin’s “four tendencies” and re-entry.
- How I travel with depression and anxiety (and how you can too) (guest article).
- Lessons from my re-entry and job search process (guest article).
When to seek professional help in re-entry. I interviewed Jill Kristal, who lived in London for 12 years and who is a therapist, about when it’s a good idea to seek professional help in re-entry.
International Therapist Directory. If you do decide to work with a therapist, it’s a good idea to find one who is familiar with the re-entry experience. The International Therapist Directory is a great place to start.
Work with study abroad students? Click here to see bulk discount on the Re-entry Roadmap workbook and click here to check out the Study Abroad Re-entry Toolkit.
Want to connect with other women travelers? Check out the amazing Wanderful community, which is one of our Forward Launch partners!