#MyGlobalLife Monday (#2)
Remember that week-long #MyGlobalLife challenge that Sabrina and I hosted in October? Well, we decided to turn it into a weekly thing.
From now until the Living Your Ideal Global Life Summit in January (maybe longer, we’ll see), we’re going to post a simple challenge every Monday on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
To participate in the weekly challenges – which are quick, easy and fun – post your answer on social media with the #MyGlobalLife hashtag. You can post your answer in the comments, share a photo…it’s up to you. I’ll also post each week’s challenge here on the blog. Join us each Monday to celebrate global living!
Here’s today’s #MyGlobalLife Monday challenge:
My answer? The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight by REM. It’s always the first song that pops into my head when I hear the word abroad or Portugal.
Back in college, when I was studying abroad in Germany, I eurailed all over Europe during our 2-month spring break. One day, I was on a train heading to a beach town in southern Portugal. I was listening to a mix tape (yep, a tape, on my walkman) that I’d gotten from a guy I’d started dating when that old REM song came on. You know that feeling you get when you’re traveling, when time stands still, and you feel like you’re going to explode because feelings, and you can’t believe you’re out seeing the world? That’s how I felt when I heard that song…and I how I still feel whenever I hear it.
Click here to see what songs other global adventurers associate with being abroad.
Click here to see last Monday’s challenge.
Click here to join us at the next Living Your Ideal Global Life Summit (it’s free)!
And be sure to join next Monday’s #MyGlobalLife challenge!