Day 4: Navigating Relationship Landmines While Living a Global Life
Wow. The response to the #GlobalLife2014 Summit has been phenomenal! Thank you! We have people joining us from all over the world, sharing ideas and resources, and asking great questions. Thank you so much for your participation and support of #GlobalLife2014!
I listened to Terry Rogocki today and he totally rocked. He said a few things that I did not know and that made me pause… about living in SG as a gay man, for example. Very interesting. Very well organized and very creative event!!! WELL DONE!!! – Rita Wuebbeler
Where are you joining us from? Here’s where Sabrina and I are and what we’re looking at during the Summit. (Well, it’s dark here in the UK by the time the Summit starts but the photo below shows what I’m looking at as I type this right now. I’m in a cute little village staying in a cozy little cottage this week.)
Day 4: Thursday, January 16, 2014
Navigating Relationship Landmines While Living a Global Life
12pm EST
Race, Privilege and Living a Global Life
with Kelli McLoud-Schingen (9am PST/ 5pm GMT)
1pm EST
Cross-Cultural Relationships
with Melissa Hahn (10am PST/ 6pm GMT)
2pm EST
Privilege in Global Context: Avenue or Obstacle to Global Living?
with Carlos E. Cortés (11am PST/ 7pm GMT)
3pm EST
How Living a Global Life Affects Children
with Jody Tangredi (12pm PST/ 8pm GMT)
Missed some of this week’s #GlobalLife2014 interviews? Want to jumpstart your ideal global life?
Check out the Create Your Ideal Global Life Jumpstart Bundle!
You not only get access to all 20 interviews, you also get beautifully-designed handouts for each speaker, ebooks, an MP3, and bonuses from Cultural Detective and VisualsSpeak!
For this week only the Bundle is $47. That’s 90% off!
Check out the Create Your Ideal Global Life Jumpstart Bundle here.