If your global life were a…

Think about your ideal global life. Now, imagine it were a food. What would it be?

That’s the question I asked 9 people at last summer’s WDS, a huge conference in Portland, Oregon for unconventional bloggers, travelers, and entrepreneurs. I like asking odd questions like this because it gets people thinking about things in a different way.

I posted these photos and videos on Facebook last summer but since we’re talking all about global living this week, I thought I’d post them here. Enjoy!




Rattana Toi McDaniel – Nuvo salad

Mike Bruny – Mussels


Erica Lee Garcia – Ceviche
(same Erica as in the video above)

Chris Ducker – Banana Peanut Protein Smoothie


Tia Lloyd – Pizza

Chris Guillebeau – Cinnamon roll


Your turn!

Think about your ideal global life. Now, imagine it were a food. What would it be?