9 Tips for Making Reverse Culture Shock a Positive Experience After Being Abroad
Are you back from being abroad and struggling with post-travel blues?
Don’t despair!
What you’re going through is completely normal. Recognizing this is the first step The good news is that there are things you can do to feel better! Here are nine tips for making re-entry and reverse culture shock after traveling abroad a (more) positive and meaningful experience:
1. RETURN home physically and mentally.
It’s easy to return physically but often our mind is still abroad. It’s hard to look forward when you’re focused on looking backwards! While you should absolutely spend time reveling in your amazing travel memories, be sure to spend an equal amount of time in the present.
2. LOOK at re-entry as an opportunity to make meaning of your travel experiences.
Then use that insight to create a global life that you love at home and abroad.
3. FIGURE OUT who you are now.
Who are you, now that you’ve had that life-changing travel experience? What do you want your life to be like now that you’ve traveled abroad?
4. FIND a supportive community who understands what you’re going through.
Our Re-entry Roadmap Facebook group is a great place to start!
5. REFLECT on what you’ve learned about yourself, your home, and the world.
How has traveling abroad changed your perspectives?
6. SHARE your experiences.
Whether in our Facebook group, a LinkedIn article, Instagram or a more formal talk at a school or club, find outlets for sharing what you’ve experienced and learned abroad.
7. ENGAGE in fun activities that bring more “global” into your everyday life at home.
Cook your favorite international dishes. Invite international students from your local university over for dinner with your family. Watch movies in other languages on Netflix. There are so many options in today’s connected world!
8. IDENTIFY your Global Life Ingredients (Step 2 on the Re-entry Roadmap) and use them as a compass for creating a life you love (probably filled with lots of travel).
9. BE intentional about creating your Forward Launch.